Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrencies are volatile, unregulated, decentralized, and are almost exclusively in the hands of retail investors.




Why Choose Cryptocurrencies

Crypto Trading

The price fluctuations of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are mainly driven by news and public sentiment, that is, the fear and greed of retail speculators. Sometimes, changes in these factors can cause large intraday price fluctuations, making cryptocurrencies an ideal product category for aggressive and experienced day traders.

FXCG Crypto Trading

Trade Cryptos anything, anywhere, anytime

Cryptocurrencies Contract Specifications

Symbol Description Leverage Short Long Min Spreads
ADAUSD Cardano vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 0.0022
BTCUSD Bitcoin vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 188.82
BCHUSD Bitcoin Cash vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 0.710
DOTUSD Polkadot vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 0.103
DOGUSD Dogecoin vs US Dollar 1:2 -19.75 -16.85 0.00430
ETHUSD Ethereum vs US Dollar 1:2 -14.35 -19.23 11.90
LTCUSD Litecoin vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 0.13
SOLUSD Solana vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 1.12
XRPUSD Ripple vs US Dollar 1:2 -15.425 -20.685 0.0063

Trading Hours

  • Monday

    00: 05 – 24: 00
  • Tuesday

    00: 05 – 24: 00
  • Wednesday

    00: 05 – 24: 00
  • Thursday

    00: 05 – 24: 00
  • Friday

    00: 05 – 23: 55
  • Sat - Sun



Honorable Award


Tier-1 banks


Leverage up to




Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a crypto CFD broker?
  • What is Bitcoin?

    Bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Created in 2009, Bitcoin uses blockchain verification technology to secure and protect peer-to-peer transactions. Like other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is decentralized and is not regulated by a central bank or any government.

  • Can I short cryptocurrencies on FXCG?

    Yes, short selling is as easy as buying with spot cryptocurrencies, unlike when you directly purchase cryptocurrencies.

  • What’s better: CFDs or crypto?

    Buying cryptos means you’re taking ownership of the digital asset, so you’ll need an account with an exchange and a digital wallet to store the crypto in securely. When you trade crypto CFDs, you just need an account with a CFD provider, and as you won’t be taking ownership of the asset, you won’t need a digital wallet.

  • What are Cryptocurrencies?

    Cryptocurrencies, or cryptos, are a form of decentralized digital currency that is not regulated by a government or central bank. Instead, cryptos use encryption techniques to generate, regulate, and transfer their units. Cryptocurrencies are often stored in virtual wallets (e-Wallets) and are used for peer-to-peer transactions or online stores that accept them.

  • Which cryptocurrencies are available to trade on FXCG?

    Bitcoin(BTCUSD), Bitcoin Cash(BCHUSD), Ethereum(ETHUSD), Litecoin(LTCUSD),Cardano(ADA),Ripple(XRPUSD),Solana(SOLUSD),Polkadot(DOTUSD),Dogecoin(DOGUSD)

  • What are the minimum and maximum order sizes?

    Minimum and maximum order sizes depend on the cryptocurrency you want to trade.

  • How do I start trading cryptocurrency?

    With us, you can trade cryptos by speculating on their price movements via a CFD trading account.
    To get started, follow these steps:
    1.Open a trading account
    2.Pick a cryptocurrency to trade
    3.Identify a crypto trading opportunity
    4.Decide whether to go long or short
    5.Take steps to manage your risk and place your trade
    6.Monitor and close your position

  • How much money do I need to start trading cryptocurrency?

    Cryptocurrency trading is inherently high risk – the markets are volatile and leveraged derivatives like CFDs only act to amplify these already large and sudden market movements.
    The margin requirements on cryptocurrency CFDs are comparatively high – currently 50% margin but can be increased in times of market volatility. This means that cryptocurrency trading can have, relative to other markets, higher costs.

  • What moves the cryptocurrency markets?

    Cryptocurrency markets move according to supply and demand. However, as they are decentralised, they tend to remain free from many of the economic and political concerns that affect traditional currencies. While there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies, the below factors can have a significant impact on their prices:
    Supply: the total number of coins and the rate at which they’re released, destroyed or lost
    Market capitalisation: the value of all the coins in existence and how users perceive this to be developing
    Press: the way the cryptocurrency is portrayed in the media and how much coverage it is getting
    Integration: the extent to which the cryptocurrency easily integrates into existing infrastructure such as e-commerce payment systems
    Key events: major events such as regulatory updates, security breaches and economic setbacks